Saturday, October 13, 2007

Overwhelmed and speechless

The past week has been filled with so many acts of love and thoughtfulness for me and our family. I am hoping to personally thank everyone but want you all to know how grateful we are for the delicious meals, gift cards, notes, books, and other special gifts. It has been so nice hearing from all of our friends and beloved teachers at Britton and Saddlebrook neighbors ...we miss you all. Our new neighbors and Washington Elem. friends and teachers have been wonderful also. The cards from dear friends in DeGraff are nonstop. And there is the "gang" that left the trail of pumpkins and "heart full of goodies" the other evening. That brought lots of smiles and giggles to everyone. I just want you to know how much we appreciate all of your generosity. It is helping to make this challenging time easier for all of us.

Now on to that "cancer stuff"...
I had a treatment yesterday - the works with a flu shot as a bonus. My lab work was good and I saw my oncologist. Our plan for now is to finish this cycle (#3) and get a CAT scan on the 31st to evaluate how the drugs are working. He may change some drugs according to the results of the scan. That may mean adding another cycle of chemo or two as long as I am tolerating it well. So I guess things are going as expected at this point. I am feeling fine now but anticipate this round hitting me tomorrow evening and keeping me down for Monday and Tuesday. My next treatment (the short one) will be a week from Monday...I changed the dates since the kids don't have school this Friday.

The kids are keeping busy with school and friends. Lauren finishes gymnastics this week and will be going to a Cheerleading Camp on her day off school next week. Jack just has 2 more soccer games. I am sure we will enjoy watching him today in the more fall-like weather that has finally appeared here. Dan has been busy with quarter-end at work, but it hasn't meant too many late nights so far (knock on wood). He has the flexibility of working from home which makes it nice on my post-chemo days...and he loves his new home office. We got to go on a date to the Blue Jacket's game this week which was alot of fun...they won! I am looking forward to visits with my bff's later in the week.

Thank you again for your gifts and keep the thoughts and prayers coming...I can feel them!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, (Dan, Jack and Lauren too)
I've been following your blogs these past weeks and applaud your positive attitude. I believe that counts a great deal for a positive outcome at the end of your "journey". You continue to be in my prayers along with several women in our congregation going through the same treatments . . I'm sure you know you are not alone. Keep on smiling. Lots of love to you and the family.
Aunt Marty

Tracy said...

Hi Lisa,

Marsha shared your blog and has kept us updated on how you are doing. I wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and wish we were closer to be of some help on those tired days. You are an amazing person and your positive attitude is going to get you and your family though this. We will keep in touch.

Tracy (Steve, Morgan and Ethan too)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, enjoyed reading your last blog entry. The pics of the blinds and Dan's new office looks really nice. Been thinking about you every single day, saying my prayers. Sounds like you had a big week with lots of surprises. Sounds like you are in good spirits and that is a wonderful thing. Keep smiling!! :)

Love to you and all...

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
This is probably not one of your better days, but know that we are there with you in thought and prayer. Your latest blog entry is wonderful, and so heartwarming! What will your support group do next?? They are very creative people, and certainly know how to boost your spirits! Love to all - Nana B & Papa

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa. I have been thinking about you and how proud I am of your strength to overvome. It is times like these when your friends and family are there for you. Please know that I am here, thinking and praying for you. You are the sweetest and kindest person I know. I wish we lived closer so that we could all spend more time together. Love you very much. Take care and I look forward to seeing you soon. Tom