Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hello Friends and Family

Thank you all for your thoughtful words, continuing prayers and offers of help. It means so much to Dan and me.

I have told many that it is if a fast moving train stopped by about 2 weeks ago and I boarded for a long journey. The Drs. appointments, tests, and treatments have been nonstop and we are now just trying to digest all we have to face.

I began chemotherapy on Friday Aug. 31st. and seemed to tolerate it well. The first 48 hours post-tx were fairly normal and then the fatigue and aches and pains set in. That lasted for about another 48 hours and then I was pretty much back to normal. I returned last Friday Sept. 7th for just one of the 2 drugs I was given the week before. Yesterday was a bit of a rough day but I did manage to see Jack score 2 goals at his soccer game. He was on fire! I have felt much better today and have enjoyed visiting my family in DeGraff this afternoon. Tonight Dan and I celebrated our 12th Anniversary with a relaxing dinner (yes, there was football on in the background) while the kids were at a church activity. It was a great day.


Leanne said...

Hi Lisa, I am so glad that you had a nice anniversary dinner with Dan, even though there was football in the background Sounds like you had a fun day in DeGraff yesterday with your family. Hope you are having a good day, talk soon!


Anonymous said...

I like your description of a "fast moving train picking you up for a long journey". My thoughts will be with you all the way to the end! And, I'm sure you will have many more pleasant "journeys" in your future.

Love, Nana B.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
Do you know how many chemo stops are on this train of yours; how frequent? I am making some knit chemo caps for my sister-in-law, and thought about you too. Keep smiling... I'm sure there will be light at the end of this tunnel.
Love 'n hugs,
Aunt Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

Just a note to tell you that I am thinking of you today as always. You are an amazingly strong person and your positive attitude is inspiring to all of us. I will chat with you soon!
Love from Your friend,