Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hair today...

Another week has gone by...a week without any Dr. appointments, tests, or treatments. I felt pretty good but seem to be in need of a daily nap (or two). This coming Friday brings a check-up at the oncologist and another cocktail of Taxol and Gemzar. I anticipate feeling their effects next Monday and Tuesday. We will hopefully learn what the rest of the treatment schedule will be.

I had to also deal this week with that "other" side effect of chemo - hair loss. Yep, it started going on Wednesday and I ran to a darling little shop in Upper Arlington called Over My Head. There I met the owner Bethany who was put on this earth to help all of us dealing with hair loss. She helped me select what I think is a very cute wig...shorter than what I have been wearing but she matched the color perfectly. I have had it on most of the day today with many compliments from both those who know and those who didn't until I told them. Jack and Lauren are being good sports about it...Lauren loved trying on my new hair. I feel that the hair loss is almost harder for those who care for me than for myself. Yes, I wish it didn't happen but I am glad there are the drugs that I hope are knocking that C out of me. It's a small price to pay.

As a family we are doing very well. We have heard from so many family member and friends who are great about offering their support, meals, play dates, etc. We appreciate all of you and promise to take you up on your offers when needed. We closed on the Seattle Slew house on Friday which was quite bittersweet. We needed so much to sell, but it was difficult leaving that house for the last time. Lots of happy memories there. Now we can focus on our new home which we all just love.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

I will be thinking of you this coming Friday and hope all goes well. I am glad to hear that you were able to find a wig that you are really happy with! Sounds like your spirits are high and that makes me smile :) Hope you are having a good week. Love to you, Dan, Jack and Lauren. Talk to you soon


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

I will be thinking of you this week. I am glad you are staying so positive and congratulations on the closing of your house. Hey, tomorrow night is a new Survivor so I look forward to our updates!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa --
Been thinking of you all weekend; hope you were able to enjoy it! If Friday's "cocktail" is taking effect today, we send good thoughts and hope the "bad time" will pass quickly.
Love n hugs
Nana B & Papa